donderdag 9 januari 2014

Assignment week 6

Changes are happening every day, and moment in our lives. We grow because that is genetically determined, we have several types of chronotypes; young children are relatively part of the early chronotypes (they are awake early, and go to sleep early). During puberty and adolescence humans tend to change in night owls so basically you change in to the late chronotype. We reach the turning point around twenty years but this depends on the gender (for woman this is around nineteen and a half, men tend to change at twenty-one years), this is one of the differences between our human developments.

There are a lot of people that don’t want to change their daily rhythm, but what if we could change our daily routine... wouldn’t that help us improve our ways to work more efficient?
There are several arguments that were given in a debate about changing our ways; these were the arguments for not changing;

- Working between 8 am - 1 pm is an excellent compromise for all chronotypes
- Students are not awake because they sleep late
- Parents don’t want to change the system because they need to go to work themselves.
- Due to bussing problems teachers in Dresden found out that 90% of their students wanted to be home by 1 pm

An astonishing set of arguments but these arguments are not based on any facts,
the counter arguments;

- The distribution between the chronotypes give us and difficulty because 60% is able to work efficient, because they aren’t awake... they are present but don’t contribute a lot.
- Why couldn’t high school students go to school after their parents go to work?
- Education as the article states is a nation’s investment in the future; we should be able to change the rhythm of the bussing on the long view for a better and efficient lifestyle.
- And finally there aren’t any signs on how many students wanted to be home at 1pm, what were the questions, who asked these questions?

As adults most teachers have shifted to an earlier chronotype and therefor aren’t able to wake up later and stay up later, they tend to do their work between 8am - 1pm, rather than students that have a different working/studying rhythm.

There are projects started by several countries from Switzerland to the United States that eliminated timetables entirely and left the decision about when or if students arrive at school.
There weren’t a lot of points we wanted to change about the schedule, we made a few small adjustments.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
10:30 - 12:00 Guest Lecture
9:30 – 13:00 Skill workshop 20:00 Hand in Assignment 9:00 – 12:00 Creative project workshop
12:15 – 13:45 “URS” Lecture

12:15 Hand out assignment
13:45 Hand in Article

12:15 Hand out article

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